Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates – April 3, 2020 – The United Arab Emirates has a bold plan, Vision 21, for its people and their future. At the heart of this plan is a call for schools to pursue excellence in teaching and learning to position young people for successful adulthood in a world where technology, innovation, and creativity are the mainstream. At the forefront is author and Executive Principal Dr. Jake Madden, whose body of work positions school leaders to incorporate teaching improvement strategies that embody data-driven practice.
Madden’s new book, “School Improvement in the UAE: A Practical Implementation of the School Effectiveness Literature,” is set for release May 1, 2020. Published by Oxford Press and available on Lulu.com, in true Madden style, this book provides an easy to read an account of the reasons for change and the context in which change must occur. This informative backdrop leads to an elaboration of his improvement model, and the leadership approaches required.
Madden says, “The UAE is a relatively new country, forty-eight-years-old, and education is unique in this country. Our school is growing in leaps and bounds, and I want to let others know why. My school develops a model for learning, which cantered on improving teacher capacity. The model has yielded great results for our school.”
With the education system in an uproar across the world due to the CO-VID 19 pandemic, educators are scrambling for ways to improve learning once schools reopen. Madden says, “My book should help shed light onto school’s greatest resource — the classroom teacher. I believe in the teacher as a researcher. My work reveals that once a teacher understands how they impact learning, then they become more focused on providing personalized learning for their students.”
Dr. Jake Madden is the Executive Principal at Al Yasat, a private school offering a bilingual American education in Arabic and English with a strong emphasis on the respect and values of the local culture in Abu Dhabi. He has enjoyed a successful teaching and principal leadership career over the last thirty years building teacher capacity through the development of learning in the contemporary world, the promotion of flexible learning spaces to meet the needs of the 21st-century learner and curriculum for global mindedness.
Website: https://jake-madden.com/
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +971564686902
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